BrandGuard is the market leader at teaching machines to understand brands and branding. Accelerate approvals, monitor AI generated brand assets, and ensure consistency at every customer touchpoint.

Wall Street Journal logo
AI Fuels New Brand-Safety Worries, and Would-Be Solutions, for Marketers

Scale your marketing safely with BrandGuard

BrandGuard is the world's #1 AI-powered brand governance platform. Our focus is on the power of the brand. With AI models ensuring brand consistency across all content, we believe AI is an enabler for marketing - your brand is valuable. BrandGuard makes sure it stays that way.

Request a demo
Custom Made Reports - Techcloud X Webflow TemplateCustom Made Reports - Techcloud X Webflow Template
Powerful Analytics - Techcloud X Webflow Template
Upload Your Style Guide

Easily upload your Style Guide in any format.

Upload Assets

Upload 20-50 approved assets and 20-50 assets that were not approved.

Score New Assets

Our system will train on your Brand and be ready to score how on-brand new assets are via the web portal, Chrome plug-in or API.

Get a Head Start With BrandGPT

Use BrandGPT to query your Style Guide or get prompts for new asset creation.

Our values

How to embrace AI at scale - safely

What an exciting time to be in marketing. Already surrounded by a wealth of tools, channels and platforms, we are just at the very beginning of the paradigm shift AI will bring - it is widely recognized that generative AI will reshape marketing as much as the advent of the commercial internet has and it will definitely happen faster. Teach BrandGuard what is on brand and what is not. Then use it to verify all new content - text or images (video coming soon) before publishing. Like having your best brand manager in every single review, BrandGuard acts like a scaled quality assurance system, available everywhere creation is happening.
BrandGuard harnesses the power of AI without compromising your brand's values - moving at the speed of Marketing.

Take the power of BrandGuard everywhere you work.
Our values

Useful for

Take the power of BrandGuard everywhere you work.
Icon for Generative AI content

Generative AI content

Want to adopt generative AI but find it impossible to review the output in a timely manner? Use generative AI to validate at the same speed and scale as the creation.

Style guide adherence

Are you struggling to get 100% accuracy of logos, fonts, and colors? Ensure adherence to your guidelines without having to review every asset manually.

Brand performance

Feel like you have to choose between Brand and Performance? With machine-powered brand governance, you don't. Ensure you stay on-brand in a world of hyper-personalization with thousands of ad units.


Program participation

Get your BrandGuard score wherever you are working with our integrations.


As easy as

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit interdum dolor siterl ullamcorper sed pharetra senectus donec nunc .

Realtime Analytics - Techcloud X Webflow Template

Content Creators

Check your work for adherence to brand guidelines, look and feel, and tone of voice before the work gets sent forward for approval.

User Journey - Techcloud X Webflow Template

Content Reviewers

Speed up the approval process by using BrandGuard to review and score assets. Receive an aggregate score on each and a detailed breakdown of the metrics that matter so you can spend your time on the ones that best represent your brand.

Automated Reports - Techcloud X Webflow Template

Automated reports

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod temr incididunt ut labore et dolore mag aliqu ut enim.

Integrations - Techcloud X Webflow Template


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod temr incididunt ut labore et dolore mag aliqu ut enim.

Funnel Optimization - Techcloud X Webflow Template

Funnel optimization

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod temr incididunt ut labore et dolore mag aliqu ut enim.

A/B Testing - Techcloud X Webflow Template

A/B testing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod temr incididunt ut labore et dolore mag aliqu ut enim.


Simple set-up

Non velit amet rutrum eget ultricies diam nibh arcu, aliquam fringilla pretium lacus duis metus at lorem tortor arcu nisl

Train on your brand

Easily upload your style guide.
Train our system by uploading your guidelines and 20-50 approved assets, as well as, 20-50 assets that were not approved.

Score your assets

Consistency for all, excellence for your brand.
Our system will score new assets via the Console or any of our many integrations, including our Chrome plugin and API.

Get a head start

Your brand's style guide, brought to life.
Use BrandGPT to get the information you need immediately from your style guide or get prompts for new asset creation.


Simple set-up

Non velit amet rutrum eget ultricies diam nibh arcu, aliquam fringilla pretium lacus duis metus at lorem tortor arcu nisl

Train icon

Train on your brand

Easily upload your style guide.
Train our system by uploading your guidelines and 20-50 approved assets as well as 20-50 assets that were not approved.

Scoring Icon

Score your assets

Consistency for all, excellence for your brand.
Our system scores new assets via the Console or any of our many integrations, including our Chrome plugin and API.

BrandGPT logo

Get a head start

Your brand's style guide, brought to life.
Use BrandGPT to get the information you need immediately from your style guide or get prompts for new asset creation.

Simple set-up

Train on your brand

Easily upload your style guide.
Then upload 20-50 approved assets and 20-50 assets that were not approved.

BrandGuard score showing 100%On-Brand score showing 80%Safety score showing 100%
Custom Made Reports - Techcloud X Webflow Template

Score your assets

Consistency for all, excellence for your brand.
Our system will train on your brand and be ready to score new assets via the Console or any of our many integrations, including our Chrome plugin and API.

Request a demo

Get a head start

Your brand's style guide, brought to life.
Use BrandGPT to get the information you need immediately from your style guide or get prompts for new asset creation.

Request a demo
BrandGuard score showing 100%

Our products

BrandGuard platform

Enforce brand consistency at scale.

Teach BrandGuard about your brand to know what is on brand and what is not. Then use it to verify all customer facing content - text or images or videos before publishing. BrandGuard harnesses the power of AI without compromising your brand's values.

Sign up today to be among the first to experience the power of BrandGuard.

Illustration of a woman in sunglassesBrandGuard score showing 100%BrandGuard score showing 100%On-Brand score showing 80%Safety score showing 100%
Custom Made Reports - Techcloud X Webflow Template


Stay on-brand in every space & every place.

BrandGuard ensures brand consistency across various AI platforms and can be integrated into your daily software and tools. This means you can verify if your content is on brand without switching contexts. BrandGuard is not limited to any specific AI platform, making it a versatile solution for all your branding needs.

If you are interested in integrating BrandGuard into your platform, please contact us.

Get BrandGuard for chrome


Consistency for all, excellence for your brand.

Crafting a Digital Style Guide with Styleguard has never been easier. Upload your existing brand guidelines in Word or PDF format into Styleguard, and watch as your comprehensive Digital Style Guide comes to life. Now you can easily share brand guidelines with 3rd parties, keep them updated in a single place, and make them machine-readable.

Try for free
BrandGuard score showing 100%
New eBook
AI Powered Branding and the Future of Marketing

The Peer Interviews

The future of marketing is machine driven, but that doesn’t mean there is no work for humans.  Download this ebook if you wonder whether or not your job will survive the AI revolution.

Download Ebook

Our solution


Maximize efficiency  

  • Produce on brand content with any Generative AI solution in less time and at a lower cost
  • Ensure all creative adheres to the brand’s style guide
  • Elevate the way you brainstorm, design, and deliver fully on-brand marketing pieces that cater to your client base


Move at the speed of AI

  • Create compelling, brand-aligned content that effectively engages customers from their initial interaction to the point of purchase
  • Experiment at scale with safe on brand content
  • Build brand loyalty with consistent style


Bring brand safety to your platform

  • Embed BrandGuard seamlessly within the workspace of your users
  • Trustworthy, private, and robust - designed for effortless integration
  • Dedicated Partner support during and after integration


Works where you work



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In beta

Google Chrome logo
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Coming soon

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Reddit - Techcloud X Webflow Template


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecte tur adipiscing elit semper dalar cons elementum tempus hac.


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In the news

Wall Street Journal article images
Wall Street Journal logo

AI Fuels New Brand-Safety Worries, and Would-Be Solutions, for Marketers

Read Full Article
Lindsay Johnson
VP of Marketing at Facebook
TechCrunch article image

Nova is Building Guardrails for Generative AI Content to Protect Brand Integrity

Read Full Article
Skift article image

Unleashing AI: The Potential for Hospitality Brands

Read Full Article
Boston Business Journal article image

Where are They Now?
These local entrepreneurs are working on their next new thing

Read Full Article

In The News

AI Fuels New Brand-Safety Worries, and Would-Be Solutions, for Marketers

    Nova is Building Guardrails for Generative AI Content to Protect Brand Integrity

    Unleashing AI: The Potential for Hospitality Brands

      Where are They Now?
      These local entrepreneurs are working on their next new thing

        Powerful analytics to help you scale your app

        Powerful Analytics - Techcloud X Webflow TemplatePowerful Analytics - Techcloud X Webflow Template

        Trusted by great brands around the world

        Twitch - Techcloud X Webflow Template
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        Reddit - Techcloud X Webflow Template
        Medium - Techcloud X Webflow Template
        Webflow - Techcloud X Webflow Template
        Spotify - Techcloud X Webflow Template
        LinkedIn - Techcloud X Webflow Template
        Discord - Techcloud X Webflow Template
        Product Hunt - Techcloud X Webflow Template
        Medium - Techcloud X Webflow Template
        Webflow - Techcloud X Webflow Template
        Spotify - Techcloud X Webflow Template
        LinkedIn - Techcloud X Webflow Template
        Discord - Techcloud X Webflow Template
        Product Hunt - Techcloud X Webflow Template

        We make it easy to track all user analytics

        Advanced tracking

        Consequat semper viverra nam libero justo laoreetolm olmer facilisis magna etiam dolor sit amet constur.

        In-depht monitoring

        Eu sem integer vitae justo eget magna domol coel lons fermentum cras sed felis eget vdolmera elmeril.

        Track All User Analytics - Techcloud X Webflow TemplateTrack All User Analytics - Techcloud X Webflow Template
        Custom Made Reports - Techcloud X Webflow TemplateCustom Made Reports - Techcloud X Webflow TemplateCustom Made Reports - Techcloud X Webflow Template

        Custom-made reports to make great decisions

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit domil solme venenatis cursus ultrices arcu pellentesque.

        User base growth
        Increase in retention
        Get started

        A robust set of features

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit interdum ullamcorper sed pharetra senectus donec nuncolmer dolorset.

        Realtime Analytics - Techcloud X Webflow Template

        Realtime analytics

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod temrolere incididunt ut labore et dolore.

        User Journey - Techcloud X Webflow Template

        User journey

        Viverra vestibulum pretium ac in dui leo nulla fermentum a tristique pulvinar cerol sollicitudin tempus tellus et faucibus.

        Automated Reports - Techcloud X Webflow Template

        Automated reports

        Sodales pulvinar maecenas eget turpis vitae nisi aliquet nam enim feugiat tellus tristique nonut erat semper.

        Integrations - Techcloud X Webflow Template


        Elementum amet sit sit commodo eget leoeu quisque mattis ipsum etiam convallis viverra eget in consequ epme.

        Funnel Optimization - Techcloud X Webflow Template

        Funnel optimization

        In ridiculus non mauris sit in nisi iaculi eu cursus viverra varius lectus magna viverra metus donec adipiscing euismod.

        A/B Testing - Techcloud X Webflow Template

        A/B testing

        Vestibulum vel interdum turpis tellus venenatis sit massa molestie risus sem ultricies diam quam amet interdum.


        Designed for teams of all sorts and sizes

        Engineering teams

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipig elit diam malesuada nisl enim phasellus condim eget eu posuere purus.

        Engineering Teams - Techcloud X Webflow Template

        Marketing teams

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipig elit diam malesuada nisl enim phasellus condim eget eu posuere purus.

        Marketing Teams - Techcloud X Webflow Template

        Design teams

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipig elit diam malesuada nisl enim phasellus condim eget eu posuere purus.

        Design Teams - Techcloud X Webflow Template

        Integrated with the  tools you already know and love

        Eu viverra nullam egestas cras odio tortor phasellus enim nisl iaculis neque arcu in volutpat velit sagittis ultricies habitant molestie etut suspendisse amet natoque sed.

        Browse integrations

        Don’t take our word for it. See what our clients say.

        Lindsay Johnson - Techcloud X Webflow Template
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        “A truly great analytics app”

        Sit duis sagittis at leo fermentum consectetur mauris gravida cursuser aliquam in tortor elit diam massa utol nisl amet sed enim proin nunc morbi fermentum erat enim odio placerat.

        Lindsay Johnson
        VP of Marketing at Facebook

        Subscribe to our newsletter.

        New eBook
        Generative AI for Agencies

        The Peer Interviews

        This ebook is a series of interviews with marketing and branding leaders, each of whom answered questions about where generative AI is going and the plans, promises, and challenges of adopting it.

        Download Ebook
        Wall Street Journal logo

        AI Fuels New Brand-Safety Worries, and Would-Be Solutions, for Marketers

        Read Article
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